Accessibility Barrier Survey Thank you for taking the time to submit your feedback on the Delta School District Accessibility Plan. The information you provide will be shared with members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Accessibility Working Group. All information provided via this survey will be considered to inform future updates of the Delta School District Accessibility Plan Submissions through this form will not receive an individual response. This form should not be used for Health and Safety concerns or for workplace accommodation requests. Question 1Are you a Delta School District (check all that apply):* Student Student's family member / parent / guardian Staff member Community member Other individual interacting with the district Question 2Do you identify as a person living with a disability?YesNoQuestion 3Please select from the options below what best describes the barrier you have identified (check all that apply): Physical/Environmental/Architectural (schools, classrooms, parking lots, district facilities) Attitudinal (discriminatory behaviour, language, gestures) Communication (receiving/accessing/locating information, preferred communication methods with teachers/peers/receptionists or other staff) Information (inadequate/incomprehensible signage, difficulties reading brochures/forms/manuals) Policy or Practice (rules, regulations, protocols) Technological (DSD websites, classroom technology, lack of assistive technologies) Other (please specify below) Other, please specify below:Please select the location where the barrier is located (check all that apply):Annieville ElementaryBeach Grove ElementaryBoundary Beach ElementaryBrooke ElementaryChalmers ElementaryCliff Drive ElementaryCougar Canyon ElementaryDevon Gardens ElementaryEnglish Bluff ElementaryGibson ElementaryGray ElementaryHawthorne ElementaryHeath ElementaryHellings ElementaryHolly ElementaryJarvis Traditional ElementaryLadner ElementaryMcCloskey ElementaryNeilson Grove ElementaryPebble Hill Traditional ElementaryPinewood ElementaryPort Guichon ElementaryRichardson ElementarySouth Park ElementarySunshine Hills ElementaryBurnsview SecondaryDelta SecondaryDelview SecondaryNorth Delta SecondarySands SecondarySeaquam SecondarySouth Delta SecondaryDelta Manor Education CentreDelta Community CollegeSchool Board OfficeTilbury Maintenance OfficeQuestion 4How would you like to provide your feedback?I would like to submit my feedback by typingI would like to upload my feedback via audio, video or imageWhat feedback would you like to provide? Please type below.What feedback would you like to provide? You can upload an image, video, or audio file below. Drop files here or