Delta Board of Education Trustee Graduates in Practical Nursing

Category: District

Congratulations to Delta School District Trustee Masako Gooch who graduated in Practical Nursing recently.

Masako, who was elected to the Delta Board of Education in October 2022, has spent the last 18 months studying Practical Nursing. She graduated with honours with distinction and was awarded the highest GPA in the program.

“This was a real feat for me as I have generally struggled with academics having learning disabilities such as ADHD and dyslexia,” said Masako.

“On behalf of the entire Board of Education, I’d like to extend our congratulations to Masako,” said Board Chair Val Windsor. “We have witnessed first-hand the time and effort she has put into her Practical Nursing course and her accomplishments are extremely well deserved. Congratulations Masako! Your willingness and commitment to learning are an inspiration to all of us!”

Masako spent much of her career as a registered veterinary technician before deciding to go back to school to become a nurse. Moving forward, she will be working at Richmond Hospital and plans to continue working with animals.

“I hope to complete the Registered Nurse program and, after that, I know there will definitely be more education in my future as I’m a strong believer in lifelong learning. You are never too old to pursue new passions and ideas,” said Masako.