LINC English literacy courses, offered through Delta School District’s Continuing Education branch, have recently expanded to include three additional locations in Delta, increasing the number of learning opportunities for new Canadians.
Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) is an immigrant settlement service funded by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Tuition is free for eligible participants, and the courses provide basic to intermediate level English training for adult newcomers to Canada.
The LINC program is available to permanent residents of Canada and Convention refugees who are 17 years of age or older. Potential LINC students must have their language ability assessed by the nearest Language Assessment Centre prior to attending classes.
In addition to English language skills, LINC students learn about Canadian laws, health care, the job market, community resources, and other things that are important for life in Canada. The main campus is Delta Community College in North Delta but classes are also held at Seaquam Secondary, Delta Manor Education Centre (Ladner), and North Delta Secondary.
For further information, call 604-952-2923 or e-mail: