Translatable version: Budget Consultation Process

Category: District

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Each year at this time, the Delta School District is required to start developing a balanced budget for the upcoming school year. We encourage all families, staff, partners and rights-holders to participate in this process.

For the previous two years, we have invited participation by way of a public input session via Zoom. This year, in an effort to increase engagement, we are trying a different approach. You will able to provide feedback via a short online survey, or through more traditional methods such as email, mail or through your school’s PAC.

You will have two opportunities to provide feedback:

  • Share your general priorities before March 18.
  • Share feedback on the draft budget recommendations between April 18-23.

Please review the information below for more information on this year’s process. Community feedback is so valuable. We would love to hear from everyone. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review this information and share your thoughts with us.

Val Windsor,
Chair, Delta Board of Education



The Delta School District is committed to transparent budget planning and encourages all partners and rights-holders to learn more about the annual budget process and opportunities for sharing their feedback.

The school district’s Vision, Strategic Plan and Trustee Priorities influence the annual allocation of budget resources.

Vision 2030 is the district’s guiding North Star for the next decade as we support Delta’s students present and future.

❏ The Strategic Plan provides focus for the district by identifying significant goals and initiatives, and guides decision making to help keep the district on track to achieve its Vision.

Trustee Priorities: Trustees review and update their key priorities annually to maintain alignment with the District’s Vision 2030 and Strategic Plan.

Budget decisions are made with the aim of ensuring that the necessary initiatives and resources are in place to achieve the Vision and Strategic Plan in an effective and sustainable manner.

Your feedback is important

Provide your feedback by completing the General Priorities Online Survey

The budget planning process follows a similar timeline each year and provides two opportunities for partners and rights-holders to share feedback – on their general priorities and on the specific draft budget recommendations.


  1. Feedback on general priorities 

Information on the key drivers of the school district’s budget – the Vision, Strategic Plan and Trustee Priorities – are available to review online.

Share your priorities before the budget recommendations are drafted:

The deadline for providing feedback is noon on March 18.


The Ministry of Education and Child Care releases funding allocations for the upcoming school year. The district takes this information plus feedback from partners and rights-holders on their priorities, and starts to prepare draft budget recommendations.


Following the Ministry’s funding announcement and consideration of the draft budget, including specific feedback on it from partners and rights-holders, the budget may change as directed by the Delta Board of Education.


  1. Feedback on specific budget recommendations 

On Thursday, April 18, the district releases the draft budget recommendations on its website and in the local newspapers.

Share your feedback once the draft budget has been released:

  • Speak or ask questions at the Special Public Board Meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 23
  • Send an email to before noon on April 22 
  • Complete the Draft Budget Online Survey before noon on April 22 (survey link will be made available on April 18)