Accidents or Injuries to Students

Administrative Procedure: 315


The District recognizes the authority accorded parents/legal guardians of children. The Superintendent therefore directs staff members to refrain from offering consent for medical treatment of students.
However, in cases of injury or illness which occur to students on school grounds, in the school, or on a site where a school-sponsored activity is being held, the Superintendent expects the supervising teacher or Principal to act as a responsible guardian and seek immediate treatment.
Emergency student transportation authorized by staff members is to be by the safest possible means. The Superintendent, however, acknowledges in emergency situations, quick action may be critical to the health of the child.

1. In the case of an accident occurring in the school, on the grounds, or at a school function whenever or wherever held, an incident report must be completed. Incident Report Forms (Form 315-1) are obtainable from the Principal or from the District Office. Instructions for completion are printed on the form.
2. The incident report must be filed in duplicate within twenty-four (24) hours.
3. In the case of a serious accident requiring emergency treatment, the Principal or designate must take the action s/he thinks is required for treatment.
3.1 It is preferable to phone the parent and identify the physician or surgeon to whom the student is to be taken.
3.2 If time and urgency do not permit, the Principal is to obtain immediate medical aid.
4. Every accident of a serious nature, or potentially serious nature, must be reported immediately to a medical authority on the prescribed form.
5. The removal of the student from the school is to be done with the approval of, and under the direction of, medical authorities, whenever possible.

Reference: Sections 7, 8, 17, 20, 22, 65, 84, 85, 95 School Act
Good Samaritan Act
School Regulation 265/89

Udpated: May 2013

Procedure 315