Advertising, Canvassing and Commercial Solicitation

Administrative Procedure: 152


Schools, as educational institutions with a “captive” clientele, must not become vehicles for the circulation of materials intended primarily for commercial gain, nor for exploitation of students and their families by commercial, political, religious, cultural or other non-school interests. In general, therefore, the promotion of sales or support by canvassing, advertising, or by other means, on the part of any person, firm or organization on school premises is not appropriate. Canvassing, advertising, selling or offering to sell goods, services or merchandise to staff or students requires prior approval.

1. Distribution of materials supplied by genuine, community-oriented organizations may be authorized by the Superintendent or designate, provided that they do not demand undue disruption of school time or routine, and provided that they do not contain religiously oriented or inflammatory material which might create unfavourable community reaction.

2. Limited and selected advertising may be permitted in school or District publications, provided that it meets standards of good taste and does not conflict with educational objectives.

3. Instructional materials furnished by private sources may be utilized when they are appropriate to the curriculum and when the advertising content is reasonable relative to the primary purpose of the materials.

4. Appropriate and discreet acknowledgement may be given to firms or organizations which are involved in a formal school-business partnership.

5. It is the responsibility of the Principal to ensure that school premises are not used to display, distribute, or otherwise advertise a product, service, or function on behalf of any person, business, or organization unless the Principal is satisfied that:
5.1 The display of such material will not lead to the exploitation of the students;
5.2 It does not imply endorsement by the school;
5.3 The primary purpose is such that it will complement the education program; and
5.4 The claims in such materials are not false or misleading.

6. Requests for distribution involving a number of schools or the entire District are to be referred to the Superintendent.

Reference: Sections 8, 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 I
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Revised: May 2013

Procedure 152