Board Committees

Policy: 8


The Board shall be guided by the following principles when establishing committees:
• The Board’s decision-making role can be exercised only by the Board as a whole, not by an individual trustee or committee;
• The Board’s function is primarily policy-making, rather than administering or implementing policy;
• Responsibilities placed on trustees are to be closely related to the Board’s central role of educational policy-making, and other time demands are to be minimized.

The Board may, consistent with the above principles, designate committees for the consideration of particular problems or issues, with subsequent advice or recommendations to the Board.

Committee members or representatives shall be named by the Board Chair.

All Board committees shall be named for a specific time period, ordinarily not exceeding one (1) year.

Standing Committees
Standing Committees are established to assist the Board with work of an on-going or recurring nature.

1. Agenda Review Committee
1.1 Purpose
1.1.1 To make decisions regarding agenda items for regular Board meetings.
1.2 Powers and Duties
1.2.1 After careful consideration, to determine items to be placed on the agenda of regular Board meetings, including requests for presentations to the Board.
1.2.2 Within the framework for Board agendas, determine the order of items placed on the agenda of regular Board meetings.
1.3 Membership
1.3.1 Board Chair.
1.3.2 Superintendent and/or designates.
1.4 Meetings
1.4.1 Prior to noon (12:00 p.m.) of the Thursday prior to the Board meeting.

2. Board Committee of the Whole
2.1 Purpose
2.1.1 To allow the Board to explore matters to much greater depth than can be accomplished in a scheduled regular meeting of the Board.
2.1.2 To solicit and receive information from the Superintendent and/or designates relevant to the development of various system activities and plans.
2.2 Powers and Duties
2.2.1 Make recommendations for agenda items for subsequent Board meetings.
2.2.2 Maintain confidentiality of proceedings unless otherwise stated.
2.3 Membership
2.3.1 All trustees.
2.3.2 Superintendent and/or designates.
2.4 Meetings
2.4.1 Monthly, as required, and as dependent on agenda items.

Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees are established to assist the Board on a specific project for a specific period of time. The terms of reference for each ad hoc committee will be established at the time of formation.

Resource Personnel
The Superintendent may appoint resource personnel to work with committees, and shall determine the roles, responsibilities and reporting requirements of the resource personnel.

Legal Reference: Sections 65, 85 School Act

Revised: May 2013

Policy 8