Bomb Threats

Administrative Procedure: 168



The District has a responsibility to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors in all District facilities. All bomb threats are to be taken seriously and appropriate action taken.


The following procedures are to be followed when a bomb threat is received:
1. Manner of Response
1.1 Be calm and courteous.
1.2 Do not interrupt the caller.
1.3 Obtain as much information as possible.

2. Listening to Provide Voice Description
2.1 Male, female, young, old.
2.2 Accent.
2.3 Speech characteristics/impediments.
2.4 Sober/intoxicated.
2.5 Manner (calm, emotional, vulgar, etc.).
2.6 Any background noises.
2.7 Familiarity of voice.

3. Questions to Ask
3.1 When is the bomb going to explode?
3.2 Where is the bomb right now?
3.3 What kind of bomb is it?
3.4 What does it look like?
3.5 Why did you place the bomb?
3.6 Where are you calling from?
3.7 What is your name?

4. Responsibilities of Principal or Designate
4.1 Evaluate the call.
4.2 Consult with senior officer of Delta Police to determine action to be taken.
4.3 Record:
4.3.1 Name of officer.
4.3.2 Decision reached.
4.3.3 Information to assist with identification of caller.
4.3.4 Notify the Superintendent or designate.

5. Evacuation
5.1 Only when threat is judged as serious by the Principal or designate.
5.2 The Superintendent or designate is to be notified.

6. Search
6.1 Police officer is obligated to assist.
6.2 Start with:
6.2.1 Gym.
6.2.2 Cafeteria.
6.2.3 Auditorium.
6.2.4 Access hallways.
6.3 Students may then be housed in above areas during rest of search.
7. If Calls Persist
7.1 Notify police.
7.2 Police can request that Telus put tracing equipment on line.

Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
School Regulation 265/89

Revised: May 2013

Procedure 168