Community Relations

Administrative Procedure: 150

Effective communications with the public is a significant element of effective District operation. To this end, appropriate avenues of communications shall be utilized and encouraged.

1. An effective communications program is to include at least the following elements:
1.1 Distribution of press releases, Board meeting summaries and periodic printed reports.
1.2 Prompt responses to inquiries or statements of concern from members of the public.
1.3 Opportunities for individuals or groups to make representation to the Board or to contact individual trustees.
1.4 Efforts at the school level to keep the school’s public aware of current matters of interest; such activities will include parent-teacher conferences, newsletters, Parent Advisory Committees, parent visits and information meetings.
1.5 Periodic District efforts to assess community opinion through opinion polls and/or reaction-gathering meetings.

2. Media Relations
2.1 News releases intended to represent the corporate position of the Board must be authorized by the Superintendent or designate. The Superintendent will consult, as necessary, with the Board Chair in developing such releases.
2.2 The Superintendent shall approve all information released to the media. All media requests received at the school shall be directed to the Superintendent.
2.3 Media representatives may be permitted into the schools for legitimate reporting and promotional purposes. This is at the discretion of the Principal. Particular care is to be exercised in protecting the rights of students when media are present. Principals shall ensure that photographed/filmed students have signed appropriate consent forms.
2.4 Media representatives shall not be allowed to disrupt the normal operation of a school or a class for the sole purpose of information gathering. This includes the interviewing of District employees and/or students during regular class times.
2.5 Media representatives may be asked by the Principal or District staff to leave the premises or grounds where it is deemed to be in the best interests of the students and staff to do so.

Reference: Section 8, 20, 22, 65, 85, 177 School Act

Revised: May 2023

Procedure 150