Duty to Report

Administrative Procedure: 404


Every staff member has a fiduciary responsibility to work in the best interests of the District and to use all available resources in the achievement of the District’s mission. To this end, all staff members shall conduct themselves, personally and professionally, in a highly ethical manner so as not to bring the

District or other staff members into public disrepute or ridicule.
All staff members shall refrain from using their position to benefit either themselves or any other individual or agency apart from the total interest of the District.

1. Any staff member who believes another has acted in an illegal or unethical manner has a duty to report the matter directly to the Superintendent.
2. In reporting such a matter, the staff member must adhere to pertinent codes of ethics.
3. The Superintendent or designate will thoroughly investigate any such reported conduct.
4. No staff member shall take retaliatory action with the intent of dissuading or punishing an individual for participating in this process. Sanctions may be imposed for retaliation.
5. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process. Information relating to the matter will only be disclosed to the extent necessary to investigate the allegation.

Reference: Sections 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 65, 85 School Act

Revised: May 2013


Procedure 404