Emergency Response Plan

Administrative Procedure: 165


There are many hazards that could affect the District, due to its geographical location and naturally occurring events, including but not limited to the following:
• Earthquakes,
• Floods,
• Fires,
• Hazardous material incidents,
• Transportation incidents, or
• Utility failures.

In addition, schools are not immune from threats to life and property, such as:
• Bomb threats,
• Incidents involving weapons,
• Violent incidents involving multiple victims,
• Fights,
• Threats to students and/or staff, or
• Robbery and theft.

1. The District must provide a District Emergency Plan for students and staff and provide assistance to other agencies by providing access to District facilities and resources as available.

2. The Superintendent or designate is responsible for ensuring that emergency plans are developed for each District facility. The District plans are to be coordinated with the City of Delta Emergency Plan.

3. Schools
3.1 Principals are required to develop site-specific emergency plans, undertake emergency and fire drills and maintain necessary emergency supplies and equipment, all in accordance with the District Emergency Plan.
3.2 An emergency container is to be located at each school, which is to be fully stocked by the school at all times as recommended in the District Emergency Preparedness Manual.
3.3 Procurement Services will receive requests from schools and make bulk purchases at of container contents at set times during the year.
3.4 Principals are authorized to collect an “Emergency Preparedness Fee”, not exceeding ten dollars ($10.00) annually, from students to pay for these supplies and equipment.

4. Emergency Situations
4.1 District staff having control of the students during school hours will act to safeguard the children under their care, until the Delta Municipal Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has been activated and advises that it is safe to release students.
4.2 Upon request from the EOC Director (the City of Delta Chief Administrative Officer) or designate, District facilities will be made available for emergency evacuation or reception centres (defined as a site where evacuees may be received, registered and emergency services coordinated during a disaster). The following schools have been identified as potential centres:
4.2.1 South Delta Secondary
4.2.2 Delta Secondary
4.2.3 Burnsview Secondary
4.2.4 Delview Secondary
4.2.5 North Delta Secondary
4.2.6 Sands Secondary
4.2.7 Seaquam Secondary
4.2.8 Other facilities may be provided as circumstances dictate.
4.3 A call for a reception centre during a community emergency takes priority over regular school use.
4.3.1 Every effort will be made by the EOC Director to use non-District facilities first or expedite the process to mitigate disruption to the school.
4.3.2 Reception centre staff (furnished by Delta Emergency Social Services) will work closely with school administration to facilitate a smooth process.
4.4 In the event of an emergency during normal school hours, the Principal/Site Manager or designate of an affected school/site is responsible for:
4.4.1 Implementing the school/site “Emergency Plan”, or
4.4.2 Implementing the school/site “Evacuation Plan”, as advised by the City of Delta EOC Policy Group, depending on the nature and scope of the emergency.
4.5 Upon request from the EOC Director or designate, District staff will be provided to coordinate and provide direction with respect to the operation and maintenance of the District facilities being utilized as evacuation or reception centres.
4.6 Upon request from the EOC Director or designate, District staff and available equipment will be provided to support engineering operations tasks.

Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
School Regulation 265/89
Revised: October 2024



Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
School Regulation 265/89



Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
School Regulation 265/89

Procedure 165