Administrative Procedure: 211
French Immersion programs offered in the District reflect Ministry of Education Policy. The District recognizes that French Immersion programming benefits the cognitive and social development of students, as well as their opportunities for career advancement.
1. Program Objectives
1.1 French Immersion is a separate program where instruction is offered in the French language for second language learners.
1.2 Instruction in the Immersion program will parallel the regular English program in structure, content and academic standards.
1.3 The major goal of French Immersion is to provide the opportunity for non-Francophone students to become bilingual in English and French.
1.4 Upon successful completion of the French Immersion program, it is expected that the students will be able to:
1.4.1 Participate easily in conversations in French and English;
1.4.2 Take post-secondary courses with French as the language of instruction; and/or
1.4.3 Accept employment with French as the language of the workplace.
2. Availability
2.1 General
2.1.1 French Immersion program establishment and/or expansion will be considered when there is sufficient demand, dependent on the availability of classroom space, and qualified professional staff.
2.1.2 In an attempt to make equitable provision for entry into French Immersion programs within the District, the concepts of regional access and equal opportunity will be considered when selecting locations.
2.1.3 The choice of school is based on determining a convenient location, in a school where sufficient space is available, and where it is evident that space for future needs is available.
2.1.4 Attendance areas shall be established for each school hosting a French Immersion program. These attendance areas shall be defined in terms of regular program elementary school attendance areas.
2.1.5 Should enrolment decline significantly, or when it becomes apparent that the French Immersion program is in need of strengthening and enhancement, options such as the amalgamation of French Immersion programs or relocation to another school site will be considered. Such discussions are to include parents. The District is to give at least one (1) year’s notice to parents of any changes contemplated.
2.2 Locations – Early French Immersion
When the above conditions are met, the following schools offer Elementary Early French Immersion:
2.2.1 École South Park Elementary School
2.2.2 École Ladner Elementary School
2.2.3 École Sunshine Hills Elementary School
2.2.4 École Richardson Elementary School
2.2.5 École Devon Gardens Elementary School
2.3 Locations – Late French Immersion
When the above conditions are met, the Late French Immersion program shall be located at:
2.3.1 École Chalmers Elementary School
2.3.2 École Cliff Drive Elementary School
2.4 Locations – Secondary French Immersion
When the above conditions are met, Secondary French Immersion programs shall be located at:
2.4.1 École Burnsview Secondary School
2.4.2 École South Delta Secondary School
2.5 Locations – Attendance Areas
2.5.1 Early French Immersion – Elementary
Host School includes attendance areas for:
Ladner – Ladner, Hawthorne, Holly, Neilson Grove, Port Guichon
South Park South Park, Beach Grove, Cliff Drive, English Bluff, Pebble Hill
Devon Gardens Devon Gardens, Annieville, Brooke, Gibson, Hellings
Richardson Richardson, Chalmers, Gray, Jarvis, McCloskey
Sunshine Hills Sunshine Hills, Cougar Canyon, Heath, Pinewood
2.5.2 Late French Immersion – Elementary
Host School includes attendance areas for:
North Delta: Chalmers, Annieville, Brooke, Cougar Canyon, Devon Gardens, Gibson, Gray, Heath, Hellings, Jarvis, McCloskey, Pinewood, Richardson, Sunshine Hills
Tsawwassen: Cliff Drive South Park, Beach Grove, Cliff Drive, English Bluff, Pebble Hill
Ladner: Ladner, Hawthorne, Holly, Neilson Grove, Port Guichon
2.5.3 Secondary French Immersion
Host School includes attendance areas for:
Burnsview Secondary – North Delta (Grades 8 – 12)
South Delta Secondary – Tsawwassen and Ladner (Grades 8 – 12)
3. Student Eligibility
3.1 Early French Immersion
3.1.1 Parents of kindergarten age children must first apply to the French Immersion program. Registration will follow provided that space exists.
3.1.2 Ideally, students enter in kindergarten, but they may enter in grade 1 up to September 30 of that student’s grade 1 year, if space is available and placement is appropriate in accordance to an existing wait list.
3.1.3 Entry to the program at other than the kindergarten or grade 1 levels up to September 30, is to be considered only if there is adequate space and if the student is adequately proficient in French or with permission of the Principal.
3.2 Late French Immersion
3.2.1 Students entering grade 6 in any District school are eligible for the Late French Immersion program and may enter up to September 30.
3.2.2 Entry to the program at other than the grade 6 level up to September 30 is to be considered only if there is adequate space and if the student is adequately proficient in French or with permission of the Principal.
3.2.3 Entry at the grade 7 level is limited to students who are adequately proficient in French.
4. Selection Process
4.1 District staff develops priorities to govern access to French Immersion programs, taking into account siblings and attendance areas.
4.2 Where applications exceed places available in any situation, placement is made on the basis of priorities set out in 4.1 above and a random draw is made from all applicants not able to be placed by priority.
4.3 When necessary, District staff in cooperation with administrators and parent representatives shall conduct a draw and maintain a waiting list.
5. Organization for Instruction
5.1 Early French Immersion
5.1.1 French is the language of instruction in kindergarten through grade 2. English Language Arts is introduced in grade 3.
5.1.2 Learning resources, library books and student services are provided in the same manner as in regular English programs.
5.2 Late French Immersion
5.2.1 During grade 6 all subjects are taught in French.
5.2.2 English Language Arts is reintroduced in grade 7.
5.2.3 Learning resources, library books, and student services are provided in the same manner as in regular English programs.
5.3 Secondary French Immersion
The following subjects constitute the minimum offering in French:
5.3.1 In grades 8, 9 and 10, students will receive their instruction in three (3) subject areas:
5.3.2 Français langue seconde (French Immersion Language Arts)
5.3.3 Sciences humaines (Social Studies
5.3.4 One other Foundation Studies course
5.4 In grades 11 and 12, students must satisfy the Language Arts graduation requirements in both English and French, as outlined in Ministry Policy Circular #9701.
5.5 Elective offerings are subject to student interest and staffing availability.
Reference: Sections 8.2, 17, 20, 22, 65, 75, 85 School Act
School Regulation 265/89
Education Program Guide M333/99
Section 23 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
1. Communications
1.1 The District will endeavour to inform parents of the Early and Late French Immersion Program as an alternative educational program. Information will also be provided to parents with regards to the application process.
1.2 Parent information meetings and deadlines for submitting applications for Early and Late French Immersion shall be scheduled so as to allow sufficient time for decision-making and discussion prior to registration.
1.3 All applicants will be informed as to their status and whether or not they have been accepted into the French Immersion Program. Parents who have been accepted will be requested to register at the appropriate French Immersion school. Early Immersion applicants will be notified prior to Kindergarten registration at their home school. Late Immersion applicants will be notified on or before March 30 of the status of their French Immersion application.
1.4 The District Office will notify all regular home schools as to the status of French Immersion applicants following the processing of applications.
1.5 After formal registration, the French Immersion home school will notify the regular home school of students who have been registered in French Immersion.
2. Priorities
The following criteria are used to prioritize student applications:
Students living:
2.1 Priority I Within the immersion school’s French program attendance area who have siblings in the District’s French Immersion program.
2.2 Priority II Within the immersion school’s French program attendance area who do not have siblings in the District’s French Immersion program.
2.3 Priority III Outside the immersion school’s French program attendance area who have siblings in the District’s French Immersion program.
2.4 Priority IV Outside the immersion school’s French program attendance area who do not have siblings in the District’s French Immersion program.
2.5 Priority V Outside Delta who have siblings in the District’s French Immersion program.
2.6 Priority VI Outside Delta who do not have siblings in the District’s French Immersion program. Late French Immersion.
3. Processing Applications
3.1 Application forms for both French Immersion programs will be available at all Delta Elementary schools.
3.2 Completed application forms must be delivered to the appropriate French Immersion elementary school before the application deadline.
3.3 When a completed application is received, office staff fills out the required information in the Office Use Only section.
3.4 Parents will receive a photocopy of the application.
3.5 A copy of completed application will be forwarded to the district Programs Branch and the original retained by the school.
3.6 If the number of applicants does not exceed the number of available spaces in the school, then a draw is not required. Approval from the District Assistant Superintendent is required before the French Immersion host school notifies parents of the disposition of their application.
3.7 When the number of applicants exceed available space, a draw must be conducted at the district level. (See Section 4 Conducting a Draw.)
3.8 Each Immersion School Secretary will organize the student lists from their catchment based on the priority categories.
3.9 Applications received after the deadline are to be processed as described in the following Section 5 Waiting List.
4. Conducting a Draw
4.1 Representatives at the draw:
4.1.1 District staff representative
4.1.2 Elementary French Immersion school administrators
4.1.3 Parent representative
4.1.4 Secretary from District Programs Branch
4.2 The District will conduct a random draw of those applications received before the application deadline for entry into the French Immersion program. For Early Immersion applications, the draws shall be held within two (2) weeks of that deadline and prior to kindergarten registrations.
4.3 Draws will be conducted for all schools at one (1) session.
4.4 Priority lists will be used to prepare the name tags to conduct a draw.
4.5 Draws will be conducted in turn, at each priority level.
4.6 Those students who are not successful in gaining placement through the draw process will be placed on a waiting list (see below, Waiting Lists)
5. Waiting Lists
5.1 The waiting list for entry in Kindergarten, in order of their priority, will be maintained for the balance of the school year the student’s application is being made.
5.2 Priority list for entry to Grade One Immersion:
5.2.1 Catchment students who attended French Immersion Kindergarten in another school.
5.2.2 Catchment students from English Kindergarten.
5.2.3 Non-catchment students who attended French Immersion Kindergarten.
5.2.4 Non-catchment students from English Kindergarten.
5.2.5 Non-District students who attended French Immersion Kindergarten.
5.2.6 Non-District students from English Kindergarten.
5.2.7 If necessary, a random draw will be conducted.
5.3 Once a priority waiting list has been established, all subsequent applications of Delta students (priority categories 1 – 4) shall be added to the waiting list in the order received, regardless of the priority.
5.4 Students in priority categories 5 and 6 (those outside the District) will be informed about placement in the French Immersion program after June 15, after all Delta applicants have been placed.
Reference: Sections 8.2, 17, 20, 22, 65, 75, 85 School Act
School Regulation 265/89
Education Program Guide M333/99
Section 23 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
Procedure 211