
Administrative Procedure: 520


The District recognizes that staff, or parent groups, may wish to raise funds for school or charitable purposes.

1. Fundraising which would reasonably be interpreted as being done under school auspices must have the prior approval of the Principal or, in the case of a District-wide activity, the Superintendent or designate.
2. Approval for fund raising activities will be based upon the following criteria:
2.1 Funds will be used for worthwhile, stated purposes;
2.2 The activities will be properly supervised;
2.3 Necessary permits, licenses, and insurance coverage will be obtained;
2.4 No undue intrusion will exist on instructional or staff time;
2.5 Methods of fundraising will be of a nature which does not offend good taste or impose unduly on public generosity.

Reference: Sections 8, 20, 22, 23, 65, 85 School Act

Revised: May 2013

Procedure 520