Administrative Procedure: 203
Homework can contribute to the learning of skills and the development of consistent work habits and is to therefore form a regular part of the education program for students.
1. Homework can include any of the following activities:
1.1 Completing daily assignments.
1.2 Preparing for future tasks.
1.3 Working on long-term projects.
1.4 Performing ongoing review and study.
2. The recommended guideline of homework time per day is limited to:
2.1 Up to one-half hour (0.5 hours) for intermediate students.
2.2 One and one-half hours (1.5 hours) for junior secondary students.
2.3 Two (2) hours for senior secondary students.
3. Development of homework guidelines is an opportunity for parents and school staff to work together.
4. Each Principal is encouraged to involve parents in defining homework guidelines for students, with reference to this administrative procedure.
Reference: Sections 6, 8.2, 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
School Regulation 268/89