Organizational Structure

Administrative Procedure: 450

The District believes in establishing a clear organizational structure. Significant variations from this pattern shall be approved by the Board.

1. The Superintendent, as the Board’s Chief Executive Officer, is responsible to the Board for the effective administration of the District.

2. Educational Services includes School Operations, Educational Programs, Inclusive Learning, Career Programs and Transitions and Continuing Education Programs.
2.1 School Operations encompass school personnel evaluation and supervision.
2.2 Educational Programs includes curriculum and staff development, program evaluation and consultative services.
2.3 International Education is responsible for student recruitment and coordination of the District International Program.
2.4 Two (2) Assistant Superintendents hold responsibilities for specific zones of schools.

3. Business Administration has responsibility for coordination of business and building operations, including development and maintenance of all facilities, provision of information and financial services, communications, public relations, entrepreneurship and marketing.
3.1 The Secretary-Treasurer provides corporate secretarial duties for the District.

4. Human Resources coordinates activities related to teaching and non-teaching personnel, including recruitment, selection, occupational health and safety, compensation administration and payroll, record-keeping, collective bargaining, labour relations and career assistance.

5. The Superintendent will develop administrative procedures consistent with both the administrative organization approved by the Board and the provisions of the School Act, and allocate the duties and responsibilities of all administrative and supervisory personnel.

Reference: Sections 22, 65, 85 School Act
Revised: September 2018

Procedure 450