Administrative Procedure: 110
Parent and community involvement is an essential ingredient to effective schools and the District. Parent Advisory Council and/or Indigenous Parent Advisory Council are therefore supported by the District.
1. Parents of children at District schools may apply to the District to establish a Parent Advisory Council and/or Indigenous Parent Advisory Council, if one does not already exist.
1.1 Only one (1) Council is allowed for each school.
1.2 On receipt of the application, the District will establish the Council.
1.3 The District will coordinate the Indigenous Parent Advisory Council that will function parallel to school Parent Advisory Councils.
2. Parent Advisory Council and/or Indigenous Parent Advisory Council are the officially recognized voice of parents at the school level, providing an opportunity for parents and guardians to advise on school programs, policies, procedures, plans and activities.
3. The purpose of a Parent Advisory Council and/or Indigenous Parent Advisory Council is to support, encourage and improve the quality of education and well being of students.
4. All parents and guardians of children in the school are voting members of the school Parent Advisory Council and/or Indigenous Parent Advisory Council.
5. The Parent Advisory Council and/or Indigenous Parent Advisory Council will:
5.1 Meet on a regular basis to consider school issues of interest and concern to parents.
5.2 Encourage dialogue between school and community.
5.3 Have the opportunity for input into school-based decisions; including advising the Principal and staff on parents’ views on any matter relating to the school- programs, policies, procedures, plans and activities.
5.4 Have access to information regarding school programs, policies, procedures and operations.
5.5 Encourage schools to recognize and utilize community talent and resources.
5.6 Encourage continued parent group and community involvement within each school and from kindergarten to grade 12.
5.7 Communicate with parents in accessing the system and provide advocacy support for parents and their children.
5.8 Organize Parent Advisory Council and/or Indigenous Parent Advisory Council activities and events to support the school.
5.9 Endeavor to build a culturally inclusive Council.
5.10 Contribute to the effectiveness of the school by promoting the involvement of parents and other community members.
5.11 Function in accordance with democratic principles.
6. All Parent Advisory Council activities, including managing activities and contracting for services must be sanctioned by the District and must comply with Board policy and administrative procedures.
Reference: Sections 8, 22, 23, 65, 85 School Act
Revised May 31, 2022
1. Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) have been named as an additional insured party under the Schools Protection Program comprehensive liability coverage. This means that the insurance coverage in place for school districts is in place for PACs.
2. This coverage comes into play when a PAC undertakes activities that are not sponsored by the District. Examples of such activities might include a dance, dry grad, etc. Activities sponsored by the school or District have a more inclusive coverage.
3. The coverage is limited to:
3.1 Members of the PAC, which is defined as parents and guardians; volunteers working on a PAC activity are not covered;
3.2 Activities approved by the PAC and undertaken by the PAC in connection with the school.
It does not provide coverage if one member of a PAC brings a suit against another member.
4. PACs must file incident reports to the Ministry, the same as schools.
5. The District’s insurance premiums will be influenced by the claims experience of the PACs.
What Should Principals Do?
1. Ensure that the school PAC is established as required under Section 8 of the School Act.
2. Advise the PAC of the procedure for reporting incidents (i.e. complete report).
3. Advise the PAC that principals must be advised of events involving children, even if not school sanctioned, and they will review the event to ensure that the District’s safety requirements are met.
4. Make the PAC aware of the standard of care the District requires when an activity involves students.
5. If you have questions or concerns, contact the District Office, either the Zone Assistant Superintendent or the Director of Finance and Administration.
Reference: Sections 8, 22, 23, 65, 85 School Act
Procedure 110