Personal Use of Supplies and Equipment

Administrative Procedure: 548

District supplies and equipment are valuable resources that must be managed to ensure maximum benefit to the District. Employees are to minimize the use of District resources for purposes other than accomplishing official or otherwise authorized business of the District.

1. Personal Use of School Supplies and Materials
1.1 District supplies are purchased tax exempt or with a tax rebate on the sworn statement that they are to be used strictly for school and District purposes, and as such supplies or materials purchased by the District are not to be sold or used for personal purposes. This includes any leftover, scrap, surplus or other materials which could be re-used at some future date for District purposes or sold by the District.

2. Personal Use of School Equipment by Staff
2.1 Personal use of portable equipment housed in schools may be arranged with the prior approval of the Principal or Site Manager provided there is no direct cost to the District.
2.2 Similarly, portable equipment under the stewardship of the Facilities Branch may be used or borrowed with the prior approval of the Director of Facilities or designate.
2.3 A written record of portable equipment used or loaned for personal purposes is to be maintained by the Principal or Site Manager for his/her site’s equipment and by the Facilities Branch for maintenance and custodial equipment, chairs and tables.
2.3.1 The record is to show date of borrowing and return and the user’s signature.
2.4 Personal use of stationary shop equipment at secondary schools or the District Maintenance Facility is not permitted.

Reference: Sections 22, 23, 65, 85 School Act
Financial Information Act

Procedure 548