Administrative Procedure: 213
Special Education programs and services enable students with special needs to have equitable access to learning and opportunities to pursue and achieve the goals of their educational program. Special education services are provided in an inclusive education system in which students with special needs are fully participating members of a community of learners. Students with special needs shall be provided an appropriate education program in their neighbourhood school. Some students with special needs may benefit from placement in a District resource program.
1. Parental permission is required to provide services to, or placement of a student with special needs in a resource room program.
2. The District will provide appropriate student assessment service to assist in planning education programs for students with special needs.
2.1 Assessments will include achievement, cognitive ability and speech and language development. In some cases gross and fine motor ability assessments will be provided by the District.
2.2 Assessment tests and instruments shall be administered by properly qualified personnel.
3. Placement in District Resource Programs
3.1 Placement in a District resource room is determined by the recommendations of the Intake Committee, the availability of space and/or the recommendations of the school based team.
3.2 The committee shall include a representative from the Indigenous Education Department.
4. Intake Committee
4.1 The Intake Committee may recommend:
4.1.1 Placement of a student in a District resource room.
4.1.2 That the student remain at his/her home school with support provided by Inclusive Learning, or
4.1.3 That the student remain at his/her home school.
4.2 District Intake Committee is composed of the following:
4.2.1 Elementary Representative of Inclusive Learning Branch. Principal – Elementary. Psychologist. Learning Assistant. District Resource Room/Special Class Teacher. Counsellor – Elementary
4.2.2 Secondary Representative of Inclusive Learning Branch. Principal – Secondary. Secondary Counsellor. Psychologist. District Resource Room/Special Class Teacher.
5. Alternate Education
5.1 Referrals are reviewed by the Alternate Education Placement Committee and a plan of action is determined. The committee may recommend that the student be:
5.1.1 Placed in an alternate education program,
5.1.2 Placed on the waiting list for an alternate education program, or
5.1.3 Referred back the student’s home school.
5.2 The parent(s) must indicate agreement of the request to transfer the child to alternate education by signing the application form.
5.3 Membership on the Alternate Education Placement Committee
5.3.1 Vice-Principal (Inclusive Learning) – is also the Chair.
5.3.2 Teachers of the programs.
5.3.3 Counsellor from the secondary school with administrative responsibility for the program.
5.3.4 Principal or designate from secondary schools with administrative responsibility for the program.
6. Individual Educational Plans for Students with Special Needs
6.1 Students with special needs shall have a written Individual Education Plan, which includes:
6.1.1 Statement of current achievement levels.
6.1.2 Long-term goals.
6.1.3 Short-term objectives.
6.1.4 Statement of how progress will be measured.
6.1.5 Statement of specialized personnel and materials to be provided.
Reference: Sections 6, 11, 17, 20, 22, 26, 85, 88.1, 91 School Act
Special Education Services: A Manual of Policy, Procedures and Guidelines
Revised: May 31, 2022