Role of the Secretary Treasurer

Administrative Procedure: 452


The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible to the Superintendent for developing and maintaining an effective business operation in the District, including finance, continuing education and facilities. As required by legislation, and as further delineated by Board policy, the Secretary-Treasurer also holds a position of responsibility for the creation and care of the official records of the Board and for duties related to the Board’s corporate affairs.

Immediate Supervisor: Superintendent

1. Supervises and coordinates the work of the District’s employees.
2. Ensures effective operation of the District’s supportive business functions: accounting, payroll, purchasing, treasury services, building and grounds services, and management information.
3. Ensures that effective liaison is established and maintained with other Districts and external organizations as appropriate.
4. In collaboration with other personnel, recommends agenda material for Board meetings to the Superintendent and acts as Secretary for those meetings.
5. Provides for the safekeeping of all official records of the Board, and acts as custodian of the Board’s seal.
6. Receives communications directed to the Board or to the District and refers these communications to the appropriate officers for response.
7. Advises the Superintendent and, through that office, the Board on financial, facilities, business, and legal matters.
8. Participates in the negotiations of contracts and agreements on behalf of the Board and signs legal documents as required or assigns this authority to others.
9. Assists the Superintendent and other personnel in the development of capital and operating budgets through development of necessary background data, provision of recommended procedures, and by recommending budgets to the Superintendent for the District.
10. Provides advice and support to ensure proper budgetary control and implementation.
11. Acts as the District’s liaison with municipal and Ministry officials relative to the Secretary-Treasurer’s core functions.
12. Provides advice as required to principals and other administrative officials on effective business practices.
13. Assists as appropriate in effective communication with the public.
14. Reports regularly and as necessary to the Superintendent. Keeps the Superintendent informed of the major activities of the District, and provides other administrative personnel with required information and reports.
15. Acts as designated “head” of the District for purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
16. Performs other duties as required by legislation.
17. Participates as a member of the senior administrative team.
18. Performs other such duties as required by the Superintendent and acts as the Superintendent’s deputy when so designated.

Reference: Sections 22, 65, 85 School Act

Procedure 452