Role of the Vice-Chair

Policy: 6


The Vice-Chair shall be elected at the Inaugural Meeting of the Board in November each year and shall take office immediately. The Vice-Chair shall hold office at the pleasure of the majority of the Board.

Specific Responsibilities
1. The Vice-Chair shall act on behalf of the Board Chair, in the latter’s inability to act or absence and shall have all the duties and responsibilities of the Board Chair. The Board Chair may, on an as needed basis, delegate the presiding officer task to the Vice-Chair.
2. The Vice-Chair shall assist the Board Chair in ensuring that the Board operates in accordance with its own policies and procedures and in providing leadership and guidance to the Board.
3. The Vice-Chair may be assigned other duties and responsibilities by the Board Chair.

Legal Reference: Sections 65, 67, 85 School Act
Revised: June 2018

Policy 6