School Bus Video Surveillance

Administrative Procedure: 182


For reasons of safety of students and others, and deterring destructive acts, the District authorizes the use of video surveillance equipment on District buses, where circumstances have shown that it is necessary for these purposes and the benefit outweighs the impact on the privacy of those observed.

1. Notice to Students and Parents
1.1 If a video surveillance system is in place on school buses, the District will advise students and parents.
1.2 On any bus equipped for video camera operation, one (1) or more decals advising that a camera system is in place will be prominently displayed on the interior of the bus.
1.3 Students will also be advised verbally by the bus driver.
1.4 On any route where the regular assigned bus has been equipped for video camera operation, parents will be advised by bulletin prior to the camera being utilized.
1.5 Notices will include contact information for the Superintendent or designate as the person who can answer questions about the operation of the surveillance system.

2. Access to Cameras
2.1 Only supervisory staff and designated technical staff of the District and/or busing service provider shall have access to the key that opens the camera boxes.
2.2 Only designated employees shall handle the camera or recordings.

3. Storage of Recordings
3.1 Recordings shall be removed from the bus immediately after completion of the bus run.
3.2 Recordings shall be stored in a locked filing cabinet within the office of the service provider.
3.3 Recordings shall not be edited or selectively erased. Tapes or discs are to be kept intact until totally erased or destroyed.

4. Viewing of Recordings
4.1 Monitors for viewing recordings shall not be located in a position that enables public viewing.
4.2 Any parent or legal guardian is entitled to view a recording, which includes his or her child/children.
4.3 Students may view segments of recordings relating to themselves, if they are capable of exercising their own access to information rights under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
4.4 A student, parent or guardian has the right to request an advocate to be present.

4.5 Viewing may be refused or limited where viewing would be an unreasonable invasion of a third party’s personal privacy, would give rise to a concern for a third party’s safety, or on any other ground recognized in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
4.6 Viewing will take place only at the office of the service provider or at the school on appointment with and in the presence of the appropriate District officials.
4.7 Recordings shall not be shown to anyone other than District staff, bus service providers or the parents/guardians of the students involved, or the students themselves.
4.8 Only those District employees with a direct involvement with the recorded contents of the specific videotape shall be permitted to view it.

5. Retention of Recordings
5.1 Recordings shall be erased within one (1) month unless they are being retained at the request of the Superintendent or designate, driver or parent/student for documentation related to a specific incident, or sent to the District’s insurers as set out in 5.3.
5.2 Recordings retained under 5.1 shall be erased as soon as the incident in question has been resolved, except that if the recording has been used in the making of a decision about an individual, the recording must be kept for a minimum of one (1) year as required by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act unless earlier erasure is authorized by or on behalf of the individual.
5.3 Where an incident raises a prospect of a legal claim against the District, the recording, or a copy of it, shall be sent to the District’s insurers.

6. Review
6.1 The management of the bus service provider is responsible for the proper implementation and control of the video surveillance system.
6.2 The Superintendent or designate shall be responsible for conducting a review at least annually to ensure that this administrative procedure is being adhered to and to make a report to the Board.

7. Improper Use
7.1 Video monitoring is to be restricted to the uses indicated in this administrative procedure.
7.2 The District will not accept the improper use of video surveillance and will take appropriate action in any cases of wrongful use of this administrative procedure.

Reference: Sections 22, 65, 74.01, 85 School Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Procedure 182