Social Media

Administrative Procedure: 146


Part of learning is adapting to the changing methods of communication. Engaging in digital environments can promote learning, teaching and collaboration for students, staff and parents. The very nature of social media introduces potential lack of personal control of content and dissemination of content. Due care and attention is required to safeguard privacy.

Social media includes web-based and mobile technologies that turn communication into interactive dialogue. Some examples include but are not limited to: personal websites, microblogs, blogs, wikis, podcasts, digital images and video and other social media technologies.

1. Personal Responsibility
1.1 All users are personally responsible for the content/information they publish on-line.
1.2 On-line behaviour shall reflect the same standards of honesty, respect and consideration used when meeting face to face.
1.3 Posted information must identify that the information is representative of the poster’s personal views and opinions and not necessarily the views and opinions of the District.
1.4 Photographs relating to alcohol, tobacco or drug use may be deemed inappropriate.
1.5 Social media is an extension of the classroom. What is inappropriate in the classroom is also deemed inappropriate on-line.
1.6 Employees are to ensure that posted content is consistent with the work performed for the District. Employees are to act on the assumption that all postings are in the public domain.
1.7 Posting of confidential student information is prohibited.
1.8 Employees are responsible for moderating all content published on all social media technologies related to classroom work.
1.9 Employees shall refrain from posting any comment that could be deemed unprofessional.

2. Copyright and Fair Use
2.1 All users must respect federal copyright and fair use guidelines.
2.2 Hyperlink content must be appropriate and educationally beneficial or adhere to Administrative Procedure 153 – Advertising, Canvassing and Commercial Solicitation.
2.3 External hyperlinks must be identified. Plagiarism is an academic offence.

3. Profiles and Identity
3.1 No identifying information about students is to be posted; for example, last names, addresses or phone numbers are not to appear on social media sites.
3.2 Where social media is managed by teachers, they are responsible for monitoring for content that may identify students.
3.3 Pictures and images are to be appropriate; for example, use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs are not appropriate.

4. Social Bookmarking
4.1 Sites that are bookmarked are in the public domain. The content of the bookmarked site is to be within the bounds of professional discretion.

Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
School Regulation 265/89
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canadian Criminal Code
Copyright Act

Procedure 146