Administrative Procedure: 220
The District and the Ministry of Education provide a variety of educational choices for parents and students. Students can now attend any public school in the province where there is space, which allows students the choice to attend a school in Delta or in a neighbouring district or in any other district. Delta students also have the opportunity to attend more than one school in Delta to participate in specialty programs. As stated in the District Vision, Delta aspires to engage students through stimulating, relevant, and inspiring educational experiences that ignite a life-long passion for learning. Specialty academies are one of many opportunities afforded by the District.
1. Proposals for a fee-paying academy at the secondary level will first be directed to the Academy Administrator.
2. Upon receipt of the suggestions or ideas, the Academy Administrator will review with Superintendent the compatibility and merit of the proposal with the District Vision and determine if the proposal of an academy will proceed to further review.
3. An outline of the proposed academy will be presented by the Superintendent to the Senior Leadership Team and Trustees for discussion and assessment and determination of a fit with the District’s Vision and recommendations for next steps will be given.
4. If approval “In Principle” is given, the Superintendent will request a formal proposal and business plan to be undertaken. (see Appendix for Proposal Timeline). This plan will be presented to the Senior Leadership Team, the Executive Committee, and the Secondary School Principals
5. The formal presentation will be given to the Board by Academy Administrator.
6. Once approved by the Board, Academy announcement will be made.
7. Advertising/promotion will begin.
8. Information meetings will be held for prospective parents and students.
9. Formal application process for students will begin.
10. Final decision on proceeding with the Academy will be made by the Senior Leadership Team subject to budget projections and registration numbers being achieved.
11. Program monitoring and evaluation by the Academy Administrator will be conducted through the year, the end of the year, and annually.
Reference: Sections 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 20, 22, 23, 65, 74.1, 75, 75.1, 85 School Act
Revised: September 2018
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Procedure 220