Student Records

Administrative Procedure: 320


In order to provide appropriate instruction and educational services, the District maintains information on students and their families. Pertinent information in these records shall be readily available to appropriate school personnel, be accessible to the parents or legal guardians of school-age students or to the student in accordance with legislation, yet will be guarded as confidential information.

The records shall also be available with proper authorization, to a person planning for the delivery of, or delivering health, social, or support services to the student, or to the Board’s insurer to the extent necessary to meet any claims being made against the insurance provided to the Board by that insurer. Such records are released on the understanding that the person receiving such information shall not disclose it except for the purpose intended.

The Superintendent or designate shall ensure the proper administration of student records in accordance with legislated requirements, as well as the need for efficient and safe collection and retention of student information.

All individual student records maintained by the District are confidential, including individual addresses and telephone numbers.


1. Records on all students attending school in British Columbia are kept as electronic Permanent Student Record cards, in electronic student files and electronic confidential student files.

2. Permanent Student Record (PSR)
2.1 The PSR card maintains records of:
2.1.1 Student’s date of entry;
2.1.2 Student’s attendance record;
2.1.3 List of student record inclusions;
2.1.4 Record of schools attended.
2.2 Permanent Student Records are stored in electronic format. Parents or students may examine the Permanent Student Record while accompanied by the Principal or designate, and may subsequently obtain copies or extracts.
2.3 When a student transfers from one B.C. public school to another, upon request, the original Permanent Student Record (consisting of Permanent Student Record Form (Form 320-1) and copies of the two (2) most recent years of Student Progress Reports), the current Student Learning Plan and the current Individual Education Plan (IEP), and the documents referenced in the Student Record Inclusions section, as well as any other information deemed relevant, will be securely emailed to the Principal of the receiving school.

2.4 When a student is leaving the B.C. public school system to enrol in an independent school, or a school outside the province, a copy of the Permanent Student Record (consisting of Permanent Student Record Form (Form 320-1) and the two (2) most recent years of Student Progress Reports), the current Student Learning Plan, the current IEP, and optionally any documents deemed relevant are to be securely emailed to the receiving Principal upon request.
2.4.1 The original Permanent Student Record shall be maintained at the sending school.
2.5 When a student withdraws or graduates from the B.C. public school system, the Permanent Student Record and either the two (2) most recent years of Student Progress Reports or an official copy of the Transcript of Grades shall be stored or archived electronically for a period of fifty-five (55) years from the date the student withdraws or graduates, as required by the Ministry.
2.6 When a student transfers from or to non-Independent First Nations schools in BC we will gather records and share information as appropriate and as outlined in the School Act and, to the greatest extent possible the procedures outlined by the non-independent First Nations school.

3. Student File
3.1 The electronic student file must include:
3.1.1 All documents listed as inclusions on the Permanent Student Record, including two (2) most recent years of Student Progress Reports or Transcript of Grades.
3.1.2 Copy of current Student Learning Plan, if any.
3.1.3 Copy of current Individual Education Plan (IEP), if any.
3.1.4 Information deemed relevant to the student’s education program.
3.2 The student file is stored electronically at the school where the student attends.
3.3 Parents or students may examine the electronic student file while accompanied by the Principal or designate, and may subsequently obtain copies or extracts.
3.4 When a student transfers from one B.C. public school to another, upon request, the student file will be securely emailed to the Principal of the receiving school.
3.5 If a student is leaving the B.C. public school system to enrol in a private school in B.C., or if a student is leaving the B.C. public school system to enrol in any school (public or private) outside the Province of B.C., parental consent is required prior to forwarding the student file.

4. Confidential Files
4.1 Individually administered aptitude tests, confidential reports, and other sensitive materials (information other than objective descriptions on student progress, etc.) are not to be placed in the regular electronic student file.
4.1.1 These materials are to be placed in a separate electronic file kept under supervision of the Principal.
4.2 Parents or students may examine the electronic confidential file while accompanied by the Principal or designate and may subsequently obtain copies or extracts.

4.2.1 When the electronic file contains results of individual aptitude testing administered by District personnel, arrangements are to be made to have the author of the report, or in the author’s absence the regional psychologist, in attendance to assist the parent in interpreting the results.

5. Release of Information
5.1 Provision of information from student records to outside agencies shall normally require parental/guardian authorization on the appropriate form (Form 320-2).
5.2 Where such permission is unavailable or inappropriate, but information is required by a person planning or delivering health services, social services, or other support services to the student, the appropriate written authorization must be given by the District official in charge of student services (Form 320-3).

Reference: Sections 7, 9, 17, 20, 22, 65, 79, 85 School Act
Divorce Act
Family Relations Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Revised: July 2023


In accordance with the School Act, parents of school-age students shall be permitted to examine all student records kept by the District while accompanied by the Principal or designate to interpret the records.
A parent is defined by the School Act as:
• The guardian of the student;
• The person legally entitled to custody;
• The person who usually has the care and control of the student.
When provided with the appropriate Court Order, a Principal shall provide information to a non-custodial parent.
Further, specific court orders granted by the court concerning the rights of the non-custodial parent at the school are to be respected by the school to the extent possible.

Divorce Act
A non-custodial parent who has “access” is entitled to receive information from the school concerning the education of a child (e.g. report card), but is not entitled to examine the student records unless s/he meets the definition of “parent” in Section 1 of the School Act (e.g. joint guardianship).

Family Relations Act
A non-custodial parent with access under this Order would require a specific order of the court to receive information from the school concerning his/her child’s education.

Separation Agreement
A specific court order is required granting a non-custodial parent, who has access, the right to receive information on the education of his/her child.
In the absence of a valid Agreement/Court Order, the custodial parent must give permission to the Principal, in writing, prior to any information on a child’s education being provided to the non-custodial parent.
Requests for information, which cannot be agreed to jointly by both custodial and non-custodial parent, are to be referred to the Superintendent’s office.

Reference: Sections 7, 9, 17, 20, 22, 65, 79, 85 School Act
Divorce Act
Family Relations Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Revised: July 2023


1. Permanent Student Record:
1.1 Form 320-1 (Ministry Form 1704), completed in accordance with the Ministry of Education “Permanent Student Record Completion Instructions”, which are effective at the time of completion.
1.2 Student Progress Reports for the 2 most recent years (or an electronic copy of the Transcript of Grades issued by the Ministry of Education)
1.3 Electronic Student File includes:
1.3.1 All documents listed as inclusions on Form 320-1 (Ministry Form 1704)
1.3.2 Copy of student’s current Learning Plan, if any
1.3.3 Copy of student’s current Individual Education Plan (IEP), if any
1.3.4 Information deemed relevant to the student’s education program


DESCRIPTION P.S.R. card (Form 320-1, Ministry Form 1704)
RESPONSIBILITY OF Principal, who may delegate to teacher, Inclusive Learning staff, Administrative Assistant, as appropriate.
RETENTION SCHEDULE 55 years from the date the student withdraws or graduates from school.

DESCRIPTION Student Progress Reports for the 2 most recent years (or a copy of the Transcript of Grades issued by the Ministry of Education) .
RESPONSIBILITY OF Principal, who may delegate to teacher, Inclusive Learning staff, Administrative Assistant, as appropriate.
RETENTION SCHEDULE 55 years from the date the student withdraws or graduates from school.

Health services information as indicated by a medical alert. RETENTION SCHEDULE As long as information is relevant, OR when student reaches the age of 19 years, plus an additional 3 years.
Support services information, including summary page of test protocols; intake forms; letters indicating decisions made re: provision of special services; reports to parents on individual assessments; reports to parents on individual speech/language services and individual counselling reports. RETENTION SCHEDULE When student reaches the age of 19 years, plus an additional 3 years.
Court orders as indicated by the legal alert. RETENTION As long as information is relevant, OR when student reaches the age of 19 years, plus an additional 3 years.
Other legal documents, e.g., name change or immigration document. RETENTION When student reaches the age of 19 years, plus an additional 3 years.
Notification that student is registered as a Home Schooler. RETENTION n/a
Notification that student is on Individual Education Plan (IEP); RETENTION When student reaches the age of 19 years, plus an additional 3 years.

Any records which an educator deems relevant to the educational program of the student. (Notes in an educator’s personal file are not part of a “student record” unless shared.) RETENTION As long as information is relevant, OR when student reaches the age of 19 years, plus an additional 3 years.
Scholarship awards RETENTION When student reaches the age of 19 years, plus an additional 3 years.

2. Maintaining Permanent Student Records
2.1 Updating
2.1.1 Responsibility of Principal to delegate to teacher, Inclusive Learning staff, Administrative Assistant, as appropriate.
2.2 2.2 Two (2) sets of electronic files
2.2.1 Student file including Permanent Student Record card and inclusions
2.2.2 Confidential file
2.3 Access
2.3.1 Refer to Administrative Procedure 320 – Student Records.
2.4 Storage
2.4.1 Secondary schools: Permanent Student Record kept at school for five (5) years after student withdraws or graduates, after which time the Permanent Record is efiled and stored on-site. Student file to be retained until the student reaches the age of nineteen (19) years, plus an additional three (3) years, after which time the file is destroyed.
2.4.2 Elementary schools: Permanent Student Record kept at school until three (3) years after student withdraws; after which time the Permanent Record is efiled and stored on-site. Student file to be retained, stored electronically at the school, and destroyed when the student reaches the age of nineteen (19) years, plus an additional three (3) years.

3. Document Transfer to Other Schools
3.1 Refer to Administrative Procedure 320 – Student Records.
Note: Minister’s Permanent Student Record Order states that:
A Board must transfer the Permanent Student Record, the current Student Learning Plan and the current IEP for a student, on receipt of a request from the school where the student is enrolled, to that school.
Where a former student of a board is enrolled in an independent school or an educational institution outside the Province and the board receives a request from that independent school or educational institution, the school must securely email the current Student Learning Plan, the current Individual Education Plan and a copy of the Permanent Student Record of the student to that independent school or educational institution.

4. Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy
4.1 As students and parents have access to the electronic student files, care is to be taken to ensure that only appropriate electronic documents are retained in the permanent file.

Reference: Sections 7, 9, 17, 20, 22, 65, 79, 85 School Act
Divorce Act
Family Relations Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Revised: July 2023

Procedure 320