Delta’s Home Quest program is a collaborative partnership between the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care, the Delta School District and families seeking an alternative to traditional classroom-based instruction. The program is designed for students living throughout British Columbia in Kindergarten to Grade 9.
Home Quest is a Provincial Online School that offers students a range of online and in-person opportunities to enhance and broaden their educational experiences. Students have the option to engage in both teacher-led learning through in-person and virtual class in combination with self-directed at home learning that is led by a home facilitator and supported by HQ staff. We are a blended, choice program.
Home Quest students have access to Delta School District’s teachers, educational resources, provincial curriculum materials, and optional hands-on learning experiences. We support families in maintaining effective learning and assessment practices. We offer flexible learning opportunities, while following the guidelines of the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care for Provincial Online Learning.
Home Quest students are provided with online learning prompts and material in all curricular areas. Teachers offer both in-person and virtual classes, as well as a weekly outdoor class option. When not attending an optional weekly class, students learn with the guidance of a Home Facilitator which is supplied by the family. Together, the student and Home Facilitator (which tends to be a parent or family member) explore the curriculum independently at home with resources approved by the Home Quest teacher. Home Facilitators are responsible for uploading and providing evidence of learning to their Home Quest teacher. Formal Delta School District report cards and feedback on student progress are provided through the Home Quest program.
For more information: Click here to go to the Home Quest website.
Annieville Elementary School
9240 112th Street
Delta, BC, V4C 4X8
Contact: Tiffany Cherry, Home Quest Coordinator
Tel: 604-597-8353
Principal: Michelle Smith,