In Delta, we offer two traditional schools giving parents and families the option of a more formal learning environment in a public school setting. Our traditional schools uphold our commitment to strong, innovative teaching practices and individual student success, while incorporating uniforms, manners and structure. In a pragmatic sense, the emphasis on a more formalized decorum is evident through school uniforms, formalized manners such as cohesive greetings for adults, and coordinated frameworks related to academic and homework expectations. At a deeper level, the common commitment shared by teachers, parents and students to the traditional school model results in a warm and welcoming school environment that is unified, proud and ambitious.
Our traditional schools are offered at the elementary level (grades K-7).
Students registering for Kindergarten and wish to attend a Traditional Elementary School should register for their catchment area school either online during the weeks of February 12-23, 2024, or in person as specified by their catchment school, and indicate in the Comment box that they are requesting Traditional School. Students who wish to attend a Traditional School other than their designated Traditional School, or who reside outside of Delta, must complete a Non-Catchment or Non-District application form on or after Monday, February 5, 2024.
Designated Traditional School Catchment areas are as follows:
Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary School
If students live in the catchment area of elementary schools in Tsawwassen or Ladner.
Jarvis Traditional Elementary School
If students live in the catchment area of elementary schools in North Delta.