The Delta District Parent Advisory Council (Delta DPAC) is an organization of parent volunteers elected from the Parent Advisory Councils of the 31 schools in School District 37, Delta. Delta DPAC is the official representative of school PACs at the District level. The group assists individual parents and PACs in expressing concerns and gaining appropriate access to the education system. DPAC provides resources to PACs and liaises with the B.C. Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils, Board of School Trustees, District Administration, Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association, and Delta Teachers’ Association. Promoting effective communication between PACs, and encouraging the formation and continued operation of PACs throughout the District helps to strengthen the parent community’s voice.
At the provincial level, DPACs are legislated under the School Act. They are non-profit organizations, unbiased towards race, religion, gender or politics. Delta DPAC operates under the guidance of a 9-person executive that handles the day-to-day running of the organization. The group typically meets once a month during the school year and all Delta parents may attend the meetings.
Delta DPAC gives a voice to all parents in the District, answering and responding to their concerns on educational matters and ensuring the appropriate education partners hear parents’ concerns. Delta DPAC provides information to local PAC members to bring back to their schools for the benefit of the general parent population. For more information about Delta DPAC, inquire via email at
For the Delta DPAC Constitution & Bylaws, please click here.
DPAC meets on Mondays once a month, except for December and March (and not during summer vacation).
Any Delta parent may attend a Delta DPAC meeting, however only the DPAC members or the elected DPAC representatives (or their designates) may vote. If an elected DPAC representative is unable to attend a meeting and wishes to send a designate in their place, they should inform the DPAC chair prior to the meeting.
School Trustees, District Administrators and executive members from the Delta Teacher’s Association and CUPE are often guests at our general meetings. These representatives are sometimes called upon for advice or to make a point of clarification during the meeting.
Why do we meet? We meet to give a voice to all parents in our District and to answer and respond to their concerns on educational matters. We ensure the appropriate education partners hear our parents’ concerns. We provide information to our DPAC members to bring back to their schools for the benefit of the general parent population. We also meet to share best practices and celebrate success.
Meetings start at 7 pm. The first meeting of the 2024-2025 school year will be held in-person at the School Board Office, 4584 Harvest Drive, Delta. The location of subsequent meetings will be confirmed following this meeting. The meeting agenda will be posted on this page and sent via email to all DPAC representatives by the Friday immediately preceding the Delta DPAC meeting.
2024-2025 Meeting Dates and locations:
- September 23 – School Board Office
- October 21 – Seaquam Secondary School, 11584 Lyon Road, Delta
- November 18 – Pebble Hill Elementary School, 246 – 52A Street, Delta
- January 20 – North Delta Secondary School, 11447 – 82 Avenue, Delta
- February 24 – Cliff Drive Elementary School, 5025 – 12 Avenue, Delta
- April 28 – Hellings Elementary School, 11655 – 86 Avenue, Delta
- May 26 – AGM – School Board Office
- June 16 – Sands Secondary School, 10840 – 82 Avenue, Delta