Language Instruction for Newcomers

The Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program provides free basic English language courses to adult permanent residents. The Government of Canada, through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship  Canada (IRCC), provides funding to support this program. The program is free for Permanent Residents and Convention Refugees over the age of 17. It is not for Canadian citizens or refugee claimants.

For Further Information

Delta Community College
Phone: 604-952-2923

Delta Community College provides English language instruction covering CLB Literacy through Level 6 in morning, afternoon, and evening classes. All LINC classes are offered in a blended format – a combination of in-person and online.

Individuals who wish to participate in a course must first contact the nearest LINC Assessment Centre for an assessment of their language level and a referral to LINC course providers in their community:

Surrey Language Assessment Centre
Address: Suite 408, 7337 137th Street, Surrey, BC, V3W 1A4
Phone: 604-507-4150