2025/26 Budget Consultation Process

Category: District

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February 12, 2025: Message from Board Chair Joe Muego re. Budget Consultation Process

Each year at this time, the Delta School District starts working on a budget for the upcoming school year. We encourage all families, staff, partners and rights-holders to participate in this process.

Last year, to help increase engagement in the budget process, we replaced the Zoom public input session with a short online survey. This change resulted in significantly more feedback than we’ve received in recent years, so we are following the same approach this year. You will also be able to provide feedback through more traditional channels such as email, mail or through your school’s PAC.

You will have two opportunities to provide feedback:

  • Share your general priorities before March 14.
  • Share feedback on the draft budget recommendations between April 17-22.

Please review this brief handout (click here or on the image below) for more information on this year’s process, including a survey link to enable you to share your general priorities by March 14.

Community feedback is so valuable. We would love to hear from everyone. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review this information and share your thoughts with us.

Joe Muego
Chair, Delta Board of Education

Please note: The above handout contains links to various documents. For quick access to these, click below:

Vision 2030
Strategic Plan 2025-2028
Trustee Priorities
Public Input – Online Survey

January 13, 2025

Each year at this time, the Delta School District is required to start developing a balanced budget for the upcoming school year. Your feedback is important and so we encourage all families, staff, partners and rights-holders to participate in this process.

The budget planning process follows a similar timeline each year. 

Within the above budget calendar there are two distinct opportunities for people to share feedback – on their general budget priorities (February 19 – March 14, 2025) and on the specific draft budget recommendations (April 17 – April 22, 2025). Stay tuned for more information on the various ways you can provide your feedback.

Additional resources

Detailed financial information going back several years can be found on the district’s website here. (Click on the orange + beside a timeframe to view the reports available).

Two reports that you may find helpful are:

  • Financial Statement Discussion and Analysis. The report, which is released annually in September, is a summary of the district’s financial activities (where funding came from and where it was spent) for the previous school year.
  • Multi-Year Budget Report. This report, which is released annually in April, outlines the district’s anticipated expenses and revenues for the upcoming three years and is used to help with long-term planning and resource allocation.