District WiFi

How to connect to District WiFi for Staff, Students and Guests

  1. Connect to the network: SD37-Open
  2. Open a web browser and you will be redirected to the Registration Portal
    (If your browser does NOT redirect to the Registration Portal, check your computer for any 3rd part security app [like Kaspersky], uninstall it, register then reinstall)
    (If you receive a certificate or site warning click Advance/Proceed/Continue)
  3. Select one of the following: Staff, Student or Guest
  4. Once you have read the instructions, select Continue
  5. Check: I accept the terms


Fill in your Active Directory username and password, and then click Continue:

  • Username is your Employee #
  • Password is your Employee Connect password

*If you don’t remember your password, go to this link:

Employee Connect

And then click on Forgot My Password/Retrieve Password.  Your password will be emailed to your email account.



Fill in your Active Directory username and password, click Continue:

  • Username is your Student #
  • Password is your Student Connect password

*Teachers can lookup passwords for students in Teacher Connect

Once authentication is successful, you may have to close and reopen your browser, on some devices you may need to reconnect to SD37-Open.

You can manage your registered devices (if you would like to remove and old/lost device, for example) at: https://packetfence.deltasd.bc.ca/status


If you are a Guest – Register with a valid email address

You will have temporary internet access for 10 minutes in order to login to your email account, check your messages and click the link to Activate Network Access

Once confirmed, the device will be granted access to guest wifi for 30 days