Delta Student Designs T-Shirt for Black Excellence Day

Category: District

This article originally appeared in the Delta Optimist on February 14, 2023

Black Excellence Day was created by the Ninandotoo Society and takes place in January each year as a lead up to Black History Month in February. It is a day to rejoice Black history and learn about Black stories, Black art and Black people, and to stand in solidarity with Black Canadians.

Local student Dieulane Miller played a pivotal role in this year’s Black Excellence Day celebrations. She created the striking design for this year’s Black Excellence Day T-shirt.

“I have always loved art, dancing, singing and drawing. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to design for such a great cause that helps me be proud to be a black young woman in today’s world,” said Dieulane. “My design for the t-shirt was inspired by knowing that there were and are people that didn’t get to share their stories.”

Dieulane, who is part of her school’s Anti-Racism team, helps to organize the culture board at the school to celebrate different cultures and races in the school and wider local community..

If you are interested in buying the 2023 Black Excellence Day t-shirt featuring Dieulane’s design, please visit: