Delta/Surrey Regional Heritage Fair

Category: District
Come and join us this year for the 4th annual Delta/ Surrey Regional Heritage Fair at Harris Barn!

What do I need to do to participate in the Heritage Fair?
In the months leading up to the Regional Heritage Fair, students create inquiry-based history research projects in their Social Studies classes.

Students are encouraged to access a variety of primary and secondary sources to research a topic of their choice.

Teachers can choose to host School Heritage Fairs and select the best projects to compete at the Regional Heritage Fair at Harris Barn. For more information on running a Heritage Fair at your school, visit the Delta/Surrey Regional Heritage Fair website at

What do the students do at the Regional Heritage Fair?
Participating students gather at the Harris Barn for a day of activities and learning. In the morning, students are interviewed about their projects by Regional Heritage Fair adjudicators and participate in hands-on workshops presented. Last year, the Historic Stewart Farm and the Métis Museum presented workshops.

In addition, students went to Delta Secondary to see a special Canada 150 performance put on by Delta’s Opera and Performance Academy.

More fun events are being planned for this year’s fair.

What happens on the second day of the Fair?
The Public Fair Day is on the Saturday. This is a chance for students to bring their families and friends to see their projects and participate in crafts and hands‐on activities. The day closes with an awards ceremony where students are presented with special awards.

For those students whose projects are winners in their project categories, they have the chance to participate in the B.C. Provincial Heritage Fair in Victoria as well as the Canada‐wide Young Citizens video contest.

Heritage Fair 2017 Brochure

Delta schools are invited to participate in this fun, free program. Please contact Stephanie Haddaway at the Delta Museum for more information: or 604‐946‐2850