On June 11, students from Grades 3 and 5 at Hawthorne Elementary School are participating in this year’s RBC Race for the Kids. This fundraising event helps advance medical care for kids across the province by supporting experts at BC Children’s Hospital in their quest to conquer childhood illnesses.
“Hawthorne students have a reason very close to their hearts for taking part in the scenic 5K route and the 2K fun run,” said Jennifer Selles, Grade 3 teacher. “Their good friends Tyson (grade 3), Cooper (grade 5) and Sarah (Grade 3) have spent a great deal of time at BC Children’s Hospital.”
In 2019, at five years old, Tyson was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. After two years of chemotherapy treatments and the amazing care he received at BC Children’s Hospital, Tyson went into remission in August 2021. Unfortunately, last summer, Tyson’s family received the devastating news that after only one year into remission, Tyson’s cancer had returned. Oncologists at BC Children’s Hospital quickly started chemotherapy treatment and concluded that Tyson needed a bone marrow transplant to help reduce the risk of the cancer returning.
Cooper, a direct bone marrow match, didn’t think twice about the decision to donate his bone marrow to save his little brother Tyson’s life. Just three hours after his donor surgery, Cooper was awarded a medal from BC Children’s Hospital for his outstanding courage and strength.
Over spring break, Sarah was diagnosed with a large brain tumour that needed to be operated on immediately. In recent weeks, Sarah has faced surgery, multiple MRIs, the ICU and physiotherapy with incredible strength and courage.
“Today, both Cooper and Tyson are doing great. Tyson has been recuperating at home since January and we are looking forward to his return to school in May. Sarah was able to rest and recuperate at home with her family over the Easter weekend and is currently preparing for radiation therapy,” said Jennifer. “As a class, we would like to thank everyone at BC Children’s Hospital for taking such great care of our friends. We would like to give back to BC Children’s Hospital and support Tyson, Cooper and Sarah’s families by participating in RBC’s Race for the Kids – because together, we are mighty.”
If you are interested in helping the class reach their fundraising goal in support of BC Children’s Hospital, please visit: https://fundraise.bcchf.ca/fundraisers/HawthorneHawks
- Cooper and Tyson
- Cooper and Tyson
- Sarah
- Sarah (right) with her sister Emily