Why Not Do Something Kind on World Kindness Day?

Category: District

World Kindness Day (November 13) is a time to participate in acts of kindness, big or small, and to highlight good deeds in the community.

If you’re looking for a way to celebrate World Kindness Day here in Delta, why not consider the Kindness Meter Program?  In 2021, five uniquely designed and painted kindness meters were unveiled through a partnership between the City of Delta, Delta Community Foundation and the Delta School District. The meters were designed and painted by local high school students incorporating the themes of We Love Delta and Kindness.

You can donate spare change into these repurposed parking meters with the donations supporting those in need in our community. Delta Community Foundation manages the collection and distribution of the kindness meter donations ensuring that funding is provided to local organizations that strengthen and enhance the well-being of the Delta Community.

If you would like to support the Kindness Meter Program on World Kindness Day (or any other day!) please click here or gather your spare change and head to any of the five kindness meters in Delta:

  1. 48th Avenue in Ladner by Muddy River Landing (5048 48th Avenue, Ladner)
  2. 56th Street in Tsawwassen by the Your Dollar Store with More (1269 56 Street, Tsawwassen)
  3. Delta City Hall by the handicap parking area (4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Ladner)
  4. North Delta Recreation Centre by the flags and outdoor pool (11415 84 Avenue, North Delta)
  5. Sungod Recreation Centre (7815 112 Street, North Delta)

For photos of the Kindness Meters and to learn what inspired their design, please visit: https://www.delta.ca/KindnessMeter