Administrative Procedure: 316
Supervision and care shall be provided for students who have a medical problem that requires, or might require, regular or emergency treatment.
1. Medication will be administered by school staff to a student in regular attendance at school only upon completion and receipt of a Request for Administration of Medication form (Form 316-2) signed by the parent or legal guardian and the physician, with the exception noted in 5 below.
2. The Principal is to ensure that:
2.1 The completed form is received prior to administration of medication.
2.2 The parent/guardian is informed of his/her responsibility to update medical information each September and as the need arises.
2.3 All forms returned by parents or legal guardians are kept in the student’s file and a copy with the medication.
2.4 Teacher-on-Call (TOC) and substitute Education Assistants (EA) are informed of the medical problems of students in their classes.
3. If the Principal learns from information provided on the standard Student Registration Form (Form 300-1), Medical Alert Card (Form 316-1), or from any other source, that a student is, or may be, required to have medication administered while attending school, the Principal is to immediately contact the student’s parents or legal guardians and request that they complete a Request for Administration of Medication form (Form 316-2).
4. Medical Alert Cards
4.1 The Principal is to ensure that:
4.1.1 The parent/guardian is informed of his/her responsibility to complete and/or update Medical Alert Card (Form 316-1) and the Request for Administration of Medication (Form 316-2) each September and as the need arises.
4.1.2 All forms returned by parents or legal guardians are kept in an easily accessible location.
4.1.3 School staff, Teacher-on-Call (TOC) and substitute Education Assistants (EA) are informed of the medical problems of students in their classes.
4.1.4 The bus company is to be provided with a copy of a Medical Alert Card (Form 316-1) for any student who is provided with bus transportation to and from school and who has a Medical Alert Card on file.
5. Occasional administration of prescription or non-prescription medication does not require completion of the Request for Administration of Medication form. Examples would include antibiotics or other prescription medication for a particular short course of treatment, non-prescription allergy medication or pain relievers, etc. For a Principal or designate to administer these medications, written parent permission (including pharmacy instructions for prescriptions) is mandatory.
6. If the medication requires storage at the school, the parent or legal guardian shall be informed that it is the parent’s responsibility to have the medication delivered to the school in a properly labelled prescription container.
7. If required, it is the responsibility of the District to arrange for appropriate training of the school personnel.
7.1 In all such cases, more than one (1) staff member shall be trained in the administration of the medication in order to provide an alternative person in cases of absence or unavailability.
8. The Administration of Medication Log (Form 316-3) for each student shall be maintained in the location where medication is stored. The log shall show date, time and dose of each medication administration, any other pertinent information, and the initials of the administering person.
9. Where a student may require medication in an emergency situation, for example, an injection of adrenaline for an allergic reaction, the Principal shall make all teachers who normally supervise the student aware of this fact and the steps to be taken if such an emergency occurs.
Reference: Sections 7, 8, 17, 20, 22, 65, 84, 85, 95 School Act
Good Samaritan Act
School Regulation 265/89
Anaphylaxis Protection Order M232/07
Revised: May 2013
Procedure 316