Board Representatives

Policy: 9


After collaborating with trustees, the Board Chair may appoint trustees to represent the Board on various external committees, agencies and organizations, as well as to serve on internal District committees. Such representation is established at the discretion of the Board to facilitate the exchange of information with external entities on matters of mutual concern and/or to discuss possible agreements between the District and other organizations.

The Superintendent may establish internal District committees on which representation from the Board may be desirable. Representation on these committees facilitates provision of lay community input, including Indigenous communities and First Nations on whose traditional territories our schools operate, on implementation issues or an eventual recommendation from the Superintendent.

The Board will determine the terms of reference for each representative. The Board shall be guided by the following principles when naming representatives to other organizations:
• The Board’s decision-making role can be exercised only by the Board as a whole, not by an individual trustee or committee;
• The Board’s function is primarily policy making, rather than administering or implementing policy;
• Responsibilities placed on trustees are to be closely related to the Board’s central role of educational policy making, and other time demands are to be minimized.

The Superintendent may appoint resource personnel to work with representatives and shall determine the roles, responsibilities and reporting requirements of resource personnel.

The following organizations/committees will have Board representation as identified at the annual Inaugural Meeting and determined at that meeting or subsequent meetings of the Board.

External Committees
1. British Columbia School Trustees Association (BCSTA) Provincial Council
1.1 Purpose of the Provincial Council
1.1.1 Act as a forum for discussion or relevant, timely and emerging issues identified from individual boards, BCSTA Board of Directors, Ministry of Education and other sources.
1.1.2 Discuss, and/or develop, policy issues for submission at the Annual General Meeting.
1.1.3 Establish interim policies of the Association between general meetings.
1.1.4 Address matters as outlined in BCSTA bylaws, including Association budget approval.
1.1.5 Act on action requests from BCSTA Board of Directors.
1.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
1.2.1 Attend Provincial Council meetings.
1.2.2 Represent the Board’s positions and interests at the provincial level.

1.2.3 Communicate to the Board the work of the Provincial Council.
1.2.4 Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
1.2.5 Build relationships.
1.3 Membership
1.3.1 One (1) trustee; one (1) alternate.
1.4 Meetings
1.4.1 As called by Provincial Council.

2. BCSTA Metro Branch
2.1 Purpose of the BCSTA Metro Branch
2.1.1 Receive reports from the BCSTA Board of Directors.
2.1.2 Discuss and/or develop policy issues for submission at the Annual General Meeting.
2.1.3 Act as a forum for discussion of metro issues.
2.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
2.2.1 Attend BCSTA Metro Branch meetings.
2.2.2 Represent the Board’s positions and interests at BCSTA Metro Branch meetings.
2.2.3 Communicate to the Board the work of the BCSTA Metro Branch.
2.2.4 Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
2.2.5 Build relationships.
2.3 Membership
2.3.1 One (1) trustee; one (1) alternate.
2.4 Meetings
2.4.1 Monthly meetings, as scheduled.

3. British Columbia Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA)
3.1 Purpose of the BCPSEA
3.1.1 Act as the accredited bargaining agent for the Association’s members.
3.1.2 Assist in carrying out any objectives and strategic directions established by the Public Sector Employers’ Council.
3.1.3 Coordinate collective bargaining objectives, benefit administration, human resource practices and out-of-scope compensation matters amongst members.
3.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
3.2.1 Attend the BCPSEA meetings as required.
3.2.2 Represent the Board’s positions and interests at BCPSEA meetings.
3.2.3 Communicate to the Board the work of BCPSEA.
3.2.4 Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
3.2.5 Build relationships.

3.3 Membership
3.3.1 One (1) trustee; one (1) alternate.
3.4 Meetings
3.4.1 As called by BCPSEA.

4. Chamber of Commerce
4.1 Purpose of the Chamber of Commerce Liaison
4.1.1 To explore opportunities for joint action on matters of mutual interest.
4.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
4.2.1 Attend Chamber of Commerce meetings
4.2.2 Highlight Board action on matters of interest to the Chamber of Commerce.
4.2.3 Communicate to the Board the work of the Chamber of Commerce.
4.2.4 Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
4.2.5 Build relationships.
4.3 Membership
4.3.1 One (1) trustee.
4.4 Meetings
4.4.1 As scheduled.

5. Delta Business Company
5.1 Purpose of the Delta Business Company
5.1.1 To supplement revenue sources for the District.
5.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
5.2.1 Attend Delta Business Company meetings.
5.2.2 Communicate to the Board the work of the Delta Business Company.
5.2.3 Ensure the Delta Business Company operates in concert with District goals and values.
5.3 Membership
5.3.1 One (1) trustee; one (1) alternate.
5.4 Meetings
5.4.1 As scheduled.

6. Delta Council/Delta Board of Education Liaison Committee
6.1 Purpose of the Liaison Committee
6.1.1 To explore opportunities for joint action on mutual concerns.
6.1.2 To coordinate joint initiatives.
6.1.3 To resolve matters of conflict.
6.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
6.2.1 Attend Liaison Committee meetings.
6.2.2 Represent the Board’s positions and interests at Liaison Committee meetings.
6.2.3 Communicate to the Board the work of the Liaison Committee.
6.2.4 Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
6.2.5 Build relationships.
6.3 Membership
6.3.1 Two (2) trustees; one (1) alternate.
6.4 Meetings
6.4.1 As called by the Liaison Committee.

7. English Language Learners (ELL) Consortium
7.1 Purpose of the ELL Consortium Liaison
7.1.1 To explore opportunities for joint action on mutual concerns.
7.1.2 To coordinate joint initiatives.
7.1.3 To resolve matters of conflict.
7.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
7.2.1 Attend ELL Consortium meetings.
7.2.2 Represent the Board’s positions and interests at ELL Consortium meetings.
7.2.3 Communicate to the Board the work of the ELL Consortium.
7.2.4 Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
7.2.5 Build relationships.
7.3 Membership
7.3.1 One (1) trustee; one (1) alternate.
7.4 Meetings
7.4.1 As called by the ELL Consortium.

8. Ladner Business Association
8.1 Purpose of the Ladner Business Association Liaison
8.1.1 To explore opportunities for joint action on matters of mutual interest.
8.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
8.2.1 Attend Ladner Business Association meetings.
8.2.2 Highlight Board action on matters of interest to the Ladner Business Association.
8.2.3 Communicate to the Board the work of the Ladner Business Association.
8.2.4 Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
8.2.5 Build relationships.
8.3 Membership
8.3.1 One (1) trustee.
8.4 Meetings
8.4.1 As scheduled.

9. Rotary
9.1 Purpose of the Rotary Liaison
9.1.1 To explore opportunities for joint action on matters of mutual interest.
9.2 Powers and Duties of the Board Representative
9.2.1 Attend Rotary meetings.
9.2.2 Highlight Board action on matters of interest to Rotary.
9.2.3 Communicate to the Board the work of Rotary.
9.2.4 Bring recommendations to the Board as and when necessary.
9.2.5 Build relationships.
9.3 Membership
9.3.1 One (1) trustee.
9.4 Meetings
9.4.1 As scheduled.

Internal Committees
The following internal committees will have Board representation. One (1) trustee and one (1) alternate will be assigned.
1. Audit Committee
2. District Emergency Preparedness Committee
3. District Equity Committee
4. District Healthy Schools Committee
5. District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC)
6. District Youth Advisory Committee (DYAC)
7. Educational Leave Committee
8. Inclusive Learning Community Advisory Committee

Legal Reference: Sections 8.4, 8.5, 22, 65, 74, 85 School Act
Revised: June 2022


Policy 9