Administrative Policy: 420
The District recognizes the professionalism of teachers and the need for District staff to work together for the common interest of the children. As such, the District believes that the rights of its professional staff are accompanied by essential responsibilities, both of which define the code of professional relationships in the District.
The professionals employed by the District, on behalf of its students, acknowledge the following responsibilities and relationships:
1. The obligation to orient services towards the continuous intellectual development, career development, physical development, and human and social development of students in accordance with the mandate for B.C. schools and the vision and values of the District.
2. The requirement to fulfill the obligations of the School Act, statutory regulations, Board policy and collective agreements/contracts with the District.
3. The need to make decisions based on student welfare and to cooperate with other professionals to this end.
4. The maintenance, individually and collectively, of a high standard of professional ethics, conduct and practice.
5. The duty to speak and act toward students with respect and dignity, and deal judiciously with them, mindful of their individual rights and sensibilities.
6. The obligation to cooperate with agencies that provide social services that contribute to the welfare of students.
7. The necessity to respect the confidential nature of information concerning students and share it only with authorized persons or agencies directly concerned with their welfare.
8. The obligation to work towards the highest possible current educational standards and practices through professional development, personal growth plans and in-service opportunities.
9. The duty to direct any criticism or concern to a fellow professional before sharing information with appropriate officials or a professional organization, except where legal provisions or Inter-Ministry protocols require otherwise.
10. The need for teachers to exercise their professional mandates, obligations and rights when fulfilling the primary responsibilities of:
10.1 Managing the teaching/learning environment.
10.2 Providing instruction, including the determination of needed outcomes, methods of instruction and assessment.
10.3 Communicating and interpreting evaluation data and progress information on students.
10.4 Executing provincial and local curriculum mandates.
10.5 Employing cooperative, consultative or collaborative decision-making processes as applicable when addressing issues.
10.6 Enhancing expertise through personal growth plans.
11. The need for managers to exercise their professional mandates, obligations and rights when fulfilling the primary responsibilities of:
11.1 Managing District/school operations efficiently and prudently.
11.2 Facilitating and ensuring that there is effective instruction within the District/school.
11.3 Monitoring that appropriate evaluation instruments and processes are used in the District/school.
11.4 Ensuring that provincial and local curriculum mandates are offered in the District/school.
11.5 Employing cooperative, consultative or collaborative decision-making processes as applicable when addressing issues.
11.6 Enhancing expertise through personal growth plans.
Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
Teachers’ Act
Revised: May 2013
Procedure 420