Head Lice

Administrative Procedure: 318


The District is committed to working with parents and British Columbia Health Services to prevent and control head lice infestation.

1. Principals will work with British Columbia Health Services to arrange for the provision of education and information regarding head lice prevention, control and treatment on an as needed basis.
2. Students with head lice will be identified, notified and supported in a confidential, nonjudgmental manner.
3. The Principal shall inform parents of students in the affected student’s class of the need to check their children for head lice. The letter sent home shall not identify the affected student.
4. Screening for lice may be conducted by a parent volunteers whenever possible. Such screening will be conducted in a confidential manner.

Reference: Sections 7, 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
Revised: January 2017

Procedure 318