Health and Safety of Students and Staff

Administrative Procedure: 160


The District is committed to providing the means to achieve a safe and healthy environment for the students and staff.

A comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Program shall be established, supported, maintained and integrated with operational activities undertaken to achieve organizational excellence.

The administration and coordination of the joint health and safety program shall be accomplished by management staff, supported by the District joint health and safety committee and joint workplace health and safety committees in each school.

The management, executive officers, supervisors and employees of the District shall work cooperatively to ensure the success of the program, and to this end, specific responsibilities are outlined in the administrative procedures.

1. General Responsibilities
1.1 It shall be the responsibility of management to establish and maintain adequate standards of maintenance of facilities and equipment to guard against or eliminate physical and health hazards, and to develop appropriate work procedures.
1.2 It shall be the responsibility of supervisory employees to ensure that employees whom they supervise are trained in proper work procedures to obtain optimal output without accidents and industrial disease; and to secure the observance by employees of proper work methods and the Workers’ Compensation Board Regulation.
1.3 It is the duty of every employee to follow proper procedures, to observe regulations pertaining to his/her work and to cooperate in achieving the objective of a healthy and safe workplace.

2. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, all staff members have the responsibility to operate in a manner that ensures the health and safety of students, themselves and their colleagues.
2.1 All District administrators, staff and contractors shall comply with Health and Safety legislation.
2.2 All District personnel and contractors shall comply with WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) standards.
2.3 All District personnel and contractors who, as a part of their duties, either use or may be exposed to hazardous chemicals, shall participate in a WHMIS training session.
2.4 All students in laboratory courses shall be provided with safety training.

3. The establishment and maintenance of safe learning and working conditions is to be a primary consideration for supervisors and staff.
3.1 Principals shall ensure procedures are developed that prescribe the rules of safe operation of all laboratories, technical education, home economics or any other “hands on” course within the school. Such procedures shall address:
3.1.1 Safe and secure storage, annual checking, and disposal, where needed, of chemicals;
3.1.2 WHMIS labeling of all chemicals;
3.1.3 Safe and secure storage and use of laboratory equipment;
3.1.4 Safe use of natural gas and security when gas is not in use;
3.1.5 Appropriate teacher supervision of students in all laboratory activities;
3.1.6 The training of staff in the use and maintenance of safety equipment, and the use and hazards of any equipment or chemicals they may use as well as the safety requirements of any procedure or activity they may use;
3.1.7 The training of students in any safety procedures relevant to the work they are doing; and
3.1.8 Any other measures required to ensure the safety of students and staff in any school class.

4. The development and implementation of safety and accident prevention programs is mandatory in order to develop a learning and working environment that promotes health and safety.

5. The provision of instruction and training to students and staff is essential in order to encourage safe working practices and to ensure appropriate response in the event of an accident.

Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
Health Act
Safety Standards Act
Workers’ Compensation Act
Communicable Diseases Regulation
Occupational Health and Safety Regulation

Procedure 160