
Administrative Procedure: 290


The District recognizes its responsibility to share educational experiences and provide opportunities for individuals to interact with the system and its schools.

1. Research proposals involving District facilities, students, personnel or data must meet the following criteria for favourable consideration:
1.1 The research will provide results of interest and value to the District and/or the broader educational community;
1.2 The research will cause minimum disruption to performance of school and/or staff functions;
1.3 The research must not be detrimental to community relationships;
1.4 The research proposal must be under the sponsorship and guidance of a school district, a post-graduate department of a university, or a recognized research institution;
1.5 The District must be assured that all reasonable steps will be taken to inform subjects and/or their responsible parents, in advance of all aspects of the research which bear directly on them including:
1.5.1 Any treatment they are to receive;
1.5.2 Any data that will be collected from them; and
1.5.3 The magnitude of their participation.
1.6 Confidentiality of student/staff information is to be protected.

2. All research proposals shall be directed to the Director of Education Programs for approval.

3. In cases of unusual community interest or concern, the Superintendent may refer proposals to the Board for information or approval.

Reference: Sections 22, 65, 85 School Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Procedure 290