Administrative Procedure: 251
Belief Statement
The District promotes the development of a resource-rich learning environment that recognizes and celebrates diversity in the classroom. Students learn best when they are
• equipped with a wide range of background knowledge and skills,
• actively involved in their own learning, and
• engaged in an instructional program designed for all learners.
A diverse and broad collection of learning resources helps create this environment.
Terms of Reference
Learning Resources refers to information which is represented, accessible, or stored in a variety of media and formats, which assists student learning as framed by the provincial curriculum. Learning resources are texts, videos, hardware, software, manipulatives, digital media, and other materials that teachers use to assist students to meet the expectations for learning defined by provincial or local curricula.
Provincially Recommended Learning Resources are materials that have been selected, reviewed and approved by B.C. educators through BC’s Focused Education Resources (FER) according to defined criteria. They are typically materials suitable for student use but may also include information primarily intended for teacher use.
Focused Education Resources (FER) is an association of B.C. public school districts overseen by an Executive Committee and working together on software, video and learning resource acquisition and evaluation.
Board authorized resources are resources that have been approved through Delta’s Learning Resources Implementation Plan (LRIP) and include all resources evaluated by FER. Before a learning resource is used in a classroom, it must be evaluated and approved at either the provincial or local level. Evaluation criteria include curriculum fit, social considerations, and age / developmental appropriateness as explained in the LRIP.
Learning Resources Implementation Plan
1. Responsibility of District and School Staff in the Selection of Learning Resources
1.1 The responsibility for the selection of learning resources rests with the Superintendent or designate, and other professional staff employed by the District including school principals, school vice principals, teacher librarians, teacher coordinators, and department heads. As noted in the BC Ministry of Education’s Learning Resource Policy, “Educators are best suited for determining the resources that are most appropriate for use in their classrooms” (source).
1.2 The Superintendent or designate, and principals/vice-principals are responsible for ensuring the selection process (Learning Resources Implementation Plan) is known and applied within the schools and within the District.
2. Learning Resource Implementation Plan
2.1 At the school level, the Principal of each school will ensure the staff knows about the process by which learning resources may be purchased and approved.
2.1.1 This process will include documentation of the resource to be approved including the criteria it meets or does not meet as described below and the status of its approval. Resources may be approved during a meeting chaired by the Principal or designate and at least two other appropriate educators.
2.1.2 Resources may also be approved by the Teacher Librarian for use in the school library. This is to recognize the expertise of the Teacher Librarian.
2.1.3 A list of school-approved resources will be maintained by schools. All learning resources on this list will be understood to have been approved by the Principal.
2.2 At the District level the Assistant Superintendent or designate will consider and review requests for resource recommendations through the District Learning Resource Committee.
2.2.1 The District Learning Resources Committee will be chaired by the Assistant Superintendent or designate and convene during the year to consider and approve or disapprove proposals made to the committee.
2.2.2 The District Learning Resources Committee will include the chair, District Principals, District Vice Principals, Teacher Coordinators, as well as representatives from the Delta Teachers Association, and from the Delta Principal and Vice Principals Association.
2.2.3 Proposals made to the committee will be done on Form 251-1. This form is made available through Directors of Learning Services.
2.2.4 A list of District approved resources will be maintained by the District Learning Resource Committee.
3. Criteria for the Selection of Learning Resources
3.1 Learning resources will support the provincially prescribed curricula and be consistent with guidelines and criteria established by the Ministry of Education, and outlined by FER:
3.2 As stated in the BC Ministry of Education’s Learning Resource Policy, learning resources approved by the committee:
3.2.1 support the learning standards or learning outcomes of the curriculum
3.2.2 assist students in making connections between what they learn in school and real life applications
3.2.3 are developmentally and age appropriate
3.2.4 have effective instructional and technical design
3.2.5 meet the requirements set by copyright and privacy legislation
3.2.6 are suitable based on social considerations as defined by FER:
3.3 Donated materials will be judged by the same criteria as new resources.
3.4 Selection will occur whenever appropriate as will the culling of materials no longer appropriate to curricular needs. This will occur intentionally on a regular basis – and on an ongoing basis whenever an educator notices resources they think should be reconsidered.
Request for Reconsideration of a Recommendation of a Resource
4. Request for Reconsideration of a Recommendation of a Resource
4.1 The Request for Reconsideration of a Recommendation of a Resource form (Form 251-2) is to be used by any individual, or group, that wishes to challenge a resource approved by the Ministry of Education, by the District, or by a Principal.
4.2 The Principal receiving a request regarding a learning resource shall try to resolve the issue informally.
4.3 If the issue cannot be resolved, the Principal shall provide a copy of the Request for Reconsideration of a Recommendation of a Resource form (Form 251-2) to the person(s) making a formal request and assist in completing the form if necessary.
4.3.1 If the applicant wishes to have a series of resources reconsidered, a separate application form must be completed for each item.
4.3.2 A completed form is to be returned to the Principal who will forward it to the Superintendent or designate.
4.4 Where a formal written request has been filed, the Superintendent or designate will convene a Learning Resource Review Committee comprised of the Superintendent or designate, an administrator, a teacher, a member of the school’s Parent Advisory Council or a member of the District Parent Advisory Council, a trustee, and a student where appropriate.
4.5 The Superintendent or designate shall chair the committee.
4.6 The committee shall refer to Ministry guidelines, FER recommended resource lists, District Electronic Information Systems Acceptable Use Agreement, guidance provided by the District’s Antiracism Procedure or Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity Procedure, and any other related policies or procedures to make its decision.
4.7 Written confirmation of the decision will be provided to the District’s Appeal Committee, the Principal, and the applicant.
4.8 The determination of the Learning Resource Review Committee shall be final except for the right to request an appeal to the Board through the District’s Appeal Bylaw.
Revised: September 22, 2022
Procedure 251