Administrative Procedure: 359
Any student who willfully or irresponsibly damages or destroys school property is to be financially responsible for such damage.
The District is insured by the School Protection Program, an agency of the provincial government, and therefore must act consistently with the requirements of the insuring agency.
1. When school property is damaged or destroyed, the Principal shall investigate the matter and attempt to determine responsibility. Where applicable a report will be filed.
2. If in the opinion of the Principal, school property was damaged or destroyed wilfully or irresponsibly, the District will pursue restitution that includes materials and labour costs.
3. The District will recover the cost of damage to District property from the responsible party, or, in the case of minors, from their parents or guardians.
4. When it is believed that the party would better learn responsibility for his/her actions by doing work around the school, this action may be taken.
5. Insurance Claims
5.1 The District is responsible for the first three thousand dollars ($10,000) of any loss suffered by the District.
5.1.1 Damage is to be reported to the Maintenance department by telephone.
5.2 Losses involving District property over three thousand dollars ($10,000) will be covered by the School Protection Program.
5.2.1 Damage is to be reported to the Maintenance department.
5.2.2 A School Protection Program incident report (Form 530-1) shall be completed and forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer’s office.
6. The Secretary-Treasurer or designate will track acts of property damage, undertake measures to reduce actions of property damage and report annually to the Superintendent.
Reference: Sections 6, 10, 20, 22, 23, 65, 85 School Act
Procedure 359